Progressive Seeds

Jack Rocco Marchese
2 min readApr 8, 2020

When Bernie launched his campaign he knew what he was up against. He knew he would be fighting the political establishment and corporate interests. It was never going to be easy. Bernie knew this and that’s why he had a message.

“Not me, Us.”

Bernie Sanders was not just running a campaign he was leading a movement. We knew if Bernie Sanders was elected he was not going to be able to accomplish most of his agenda. Not alone, anyway.

What Bernie Sanders did was plant seeds.

He planted seeds of hope by showing younger generations that having a government run on compassion and love IS possible. He planted seeds of justice with a political agenda and platform that understood the inter-connectivity of social, racial, economic and climate justice. He planted seeds of courage proving that if you fight for what’s right people will have your back by the millions.

Bernie is not our messiah.

He is a seed.

The rest is up to us.

We are the roots. Any movement is only as sturdy as the roots that support it. Our coalition will continue to grow across race, sex, gender, age and even political preference.

We are the sun and the water. We give energy to our movement and allow it to grow. We donate money and time to our candidates, no matter how much or how little energy we can provide.

We are the gardener. We take care of not only the plants in our garden but the families in our homes and the friends and strangers in our lives. We use our progressive principles to make change locally to help nurse the sick, feed the hungry and home the homeless.

This was never going to be easy. Our hands will get dirty, our movement will wilt and some of our seeds will never grow. We will keep planting anyway.

Progressive ideas are like seeds. Once they’re planted it’s up to us to help them grow.

It’s ok to sulk and it’s ok to grieve but this is not the time to quit. Learn what you can do to help your local garden flourish.

And to Bernie, I would like to personally thank you for everything you have fought for your entire life and will continue to fight for. History will look back on you kindly and I don’t regret one second of the 5 years I have spent advocating, donating and volunteering with the campaign.




Jack Rocco Marchese

I write about politics and business. I don’t proof my work and still don’t fully understand how to use a semicolon.